Saturday, May 28, 2011

We'll see how long this lasts...

I'm definitely not a writer, blogger, English might not always be grammatically correct, but its life.

I don't have a very eventful, lots to talk about life, but I'm a mommy. Being a mommy is pretty eventful in itself I guess you could say. It's what I'm meant to be - a mom, wife, nurturer. I can remember playing mommy when I was a little kid. I would carry my huge baby doll, Elizabeth, with me everywhere. I'm pretty sure I even left her in a few stores while shopping...along with my purse (promise I won't do that with my real babies). I loved playing mommy as a little kid, but I love *being* a mommy even more. No one can really explain the way you feel when you first hold that, tiny, wrinkly bundle of joy in your arms for the first time. It's a feeling that you can only really is unexplainable. The ups and downs of parenthood is something that should be journaled. Time goes by SO fast and by the time you stop and take a breathe, it's been 2 years and you not only have a 2 year old, but you also have a 3 month old. I can honestly say that I have barely filled out Jillian's baby book. I want to remember more. I want to be able to look back and see what joys, struggles, milestones happened. Reading my best friends blog tonight made me realize I want to *try* and keep record of everylittlething that happens. I'm super sentimental. I love looking back at cards, videos, pictures. I love to relive a moment. I want my girls to be able to see just how happy I am to be their mommy.


Shannon Morgan said...

Ashley, you are a great writer/blogger!

jonandpam said...

I loved reading your first entry and look forward to many more! Your love and commitment to your family is beautiful! Jon and I will always be praying daily for you and yours whether we are close by in Indy or 5000 miles away in Chile. We love you dearly and are blessed to have known you your whole life! And yes I remember Elizabeth! :)

AbiRose said...

Love you and am so proud of you!!!

maren said...

I'm looking forward to following!

Teresa said...

I loved reading how much you love being a mommy!! Daddy and I are so proud of you and love you so much!!